$13,454 in February Business Income – I Bought Another Website

February was a very busy month. The article I published the other day, My Average Day As A Self-Employed Person, was a very relaxed one compared to what my schedule has been like for the two weeks. My business income is finally starting to grow! In February of 2014, I made $15,474 in business income, before…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: May 26, 2023

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

Find out how Im ade $13,454 in February from blogging.February was a very busy month. The article I published the other day, My Average Day As A Self-Employed Person, was a very relaxed one compared to what my schedule has been like for the two weeks.

My business income is finally starting to grow!

In February of 2014, I made $15,474 in business income, before expenses. Before this month, I was hovering around the $12,000 mark for several months in a row. This past month changed that though!

I had many expenses in February, which brought down my pretax income figure. However, before expenses, I believe this was my best month yet.

This rather large increase in income in just one month was due to many reasons:

  • I added two staff writing jobs in February.
  • I increased my staff writing rate. I have been hesitant to do that, but it seems like everyone was fine with the increase.
  • Some of the websites that I created/bought started doing much better. Adsense, advertising and affiliate income seemed to all be up also.


It is still crazy to read my old income updates.

In May of 2012, I made $672 in extra income. $672 is still a great amount of extra income to be making, but my progress over the past 2 years is something that I am very proud of.

Like I say every month, when I first started blogging, I didn’t think this level of income was possible. I read (and still read) income reports from bloggers such as Pat at Smart Passive Income, Crystal at Budgeting in the Fun Stuff, and Erika at Newlyweds on a Budget.

When I first started reading, I thought their levels were just completely unattainable for me.

I’m sure many of you feel the same about your level of “extra income” and that my story is just a lucky story.  However, I read stories on other blogs and used them as motivation for myself.

I didn’t think their levels were possible for me, but it turns out that I was wrong.

And, I’m glad I was wrong. No, I’m not at the level of Pat, but I will keep trying everyday to improve my business every single day.

February Business Income

This is for the month of February and before fees and expenses (expenses that lower the amount above include approximately $2,020, which includes VAs and writers for my other websites, the website that I bought, PayPal fees, etc.) being taken out.

After all expenses and fees, I made approximately $13,454. In the amount above, I do not count the amount that I bring in to blogs that I help run, I only include the amounts that are my actual earnings from my services.



This is still a job!

I know that this is a lot of “extra income” (it’s all business income now for me), but please keep in mind that I spend many, many hours every single day on my business.

This is not passive income, although one day I hope that much of my income is passive. I have also been growing this for quite some time, and for around one year I was not making a single dollar, but I was still putting full-time hours into my side jobs. Taxes also take approximately 30% of my extra income. This is something that not everyone thinks about.

Like I say every month in my income update posts as a reality check: this is still work. Some like to think that I quit my job and sit around doing nothing all day. That is not true though. It does help that I have gotten much better at streamlining tasks and hiring others for certain jobs that I need done.

This is my full-time job, and for a few years I was working my full-time job while having my business as well. There were many sleepless nights!

Luckily, I do enjoy what I’m doing so it’s not like I’m dreading anything. I no longer have that Sunday night dread like I used to. The goals that we have are also a great motivator. You can find my 2014 goals update here. All of my past income updates can be found here as well. Read further on my Extra/Business Income page.

As always, if you have any questions about my monthly business income that you would like me to include next month, please let me know.

Blog News

My main website is Making Sense of Cents (this one!) and I don’t have any breaking news to share about it. I’m still chugging along and I still love writing 🙂

My sister’s blog is still doing well. I’m hoping to get her more involved with her blog and start promoting her blog more. Please subscribe to FITnancials if you haven’t yet.

She is still all over the place and trying to decide what she wants to do with her life. Now, she might pursue a TEFL certification so that her and her boyfriend can travel the world (and make money at the same time).  If you have any teaching English abroad advice, please leave them below! I tried researching the topic as much as I could for her, but she still has many questions.

My self-employment/financial independence blog Diversified Finances is doing well also and I am so glad that I started that website. Being able to talk so much about self-employment and getting direct feedback from readers is great. Is there anything related to self-employment that you would like me to talk about?

If you are looking to start a blog, don’t forget to read my post How To Start a Blog. It gives step by step instructions on starting your own blog. Also, read How To Make Money Blogging.


What about my progress after FinCon 2013?

One question that I am asked a lot is what I learned from FinCon that I am trying to apply to my business. I learned many things at FinCon and I made a list of things that I need to do in my post My Plan For the Future. I have finally started to make some changes and I’m hoping to see amazing results during 2014!

Are you going to FinCon? Tickets are still on sale, but you just missed out on the Super Early Bird pricing. If you are still debating whether or not you should go, feel free to ask me any questions about it. I had a great time at FinCon2013 and I definitely recommend attending the conference.


My plans after FinCon13 included (in no particular order):

  1. Start an eBook. – I have a few topic ideas for an eBook, but I haven’t really sat down and made any progress. I’m thinking over the next few months I will decide on a topic, and then try to write around 30 pages each month.
  2. Build my brand. – This is something that I am still working on. If you are a blogger and you are building your brand, what exactly is it that you are doing? I’m not even sure what the first step is!
  3. Promote more. – I have been doing much better with promoting my articles. I also started creating more “pinnable” images for my articles, and I am starting to see more clicks from Pinterest because of this.
  4. Accept more interviews. – I took part in two more interviews in February, and they were a lot of fun. I have one scheduled for March so far, and I hope to squeeze some more in! I have had some podcast requests also, but I’m afraid that I will sound stupid. I don’t have a mic for podcasts either – is there one that you recommend?
  5. Speak at a conference one day. – Speaking at a conference is definitely not in store for 2014. Maybe 2015? I wish I wasn’t so nervous about public speaking…


Staff Writing

In February, I added two new staff writing gigs. I also have another one that will start back up either this month or next, which is nice too. I will now tell you how I found these two gigs…

Nearly every week I receive the same question – What should I do to find a staff writing job?

These two staff writing gigs were not ones that I found, instead these website owners found ME! So, how does that work?

Usually website owners find me through my Contact/Hire Me tab above, and this is something that I think all bloggers should have on their website. Start one now! That is my number one tip! No one can hire you if they don’t even know that you are looking for a staff writing job.

Anyway, I am still looking for a few more staff writing gigs. I found that if I manage my time better, then I have plenty of free time. I’m just not productive unless I have something filling in those time slots. I also love writing and have over 100 ideas in my notepad for new topics!

Here’s my monthly shameless plugin: If any of you need a staff writer or just a one-time content writer, let me know. Whether you need a couple of articles every week, or just a single post with no ongoing relationship, I am your girl. I can write regular content, content to fill in gaps in your writing schedule, content for advertising and so on. My turnaround is fairly quick and I am reliable.

I created an article titled Do You Want to Be a Freelance Writer?, so please read further about this topic if you are interested in staff writing as a way to make money online.



Buying websites

I bought my very first website in November of 2013, and I have been working to improve the statistics and quality of it. I made some money off of it in January and February. This is great because I’ve already made more money than I bought it for.

I also bought a second website in February, from another blogger that I know.

I got a good deal on it, and I’ve made a few hundred from it so far – mainly direct advertising and some Adsense. I did pay about triple the price of the first website I bought, but this second website also has a lot more content on it. I believe it has around 500 articles, whereas the first one only had around 20 or 30.


Update On My Blog and Social Media Management Services

In February, I managed a few blogs for others, but they were my usual ones that I manage. I did receive a few emails about possibly managing a few other sites and becoming an editor as well, which is something I hope comes through in March.

I asked Cat at Budget Blonde and John at Frugal Rules to provide a testimonial for my blog management services, and they both provided me with one (they were so nice!). You can find them on my Contact/Hire Me page. I really recommend asking for testimonials if you are a freelancer.

Blog and social media management are something that I would like to keep growing. I have seen many blog owners that are interested in having me manage their blog while they are on vacation or if they need a break. This is something that I love to do, and you can sleep easily while you are on vacation because I believe I can successful manage your website.

I also know how it feels to go on vacation. You might be hesitant in hiring help because your blog means so much to you. However, that is why I love offering this. I truly know how much a website means to a person, and I try my hardest to make the transition (no matter how short) a smooth one. A vacation from your blog might be needed – and I’m here to help!

Pricing is on an individual basis because no two websites/blogs are alike. If you are interested, shoot me an email and I would love to help you out!

I manage different aspects of several different blogs, and that is what has helped me ramp up my business income in the past few months. All of my services are a lot of fun, as I really enjoy blogging and social media – and all other areas of managing a website.


Here are various services that relate to blog and social media management:

  • Manage and approve comments. This can be a lifesaver when you are on vacation because you don’t have to worry about checking your website to approve comments.
  • Watch to make sure that your website does not go down. I check multiple times throughout the day to make sure that your website is up. With all of the hosting problems that I have been seeing lately, this can put your mind at ease because I can find it and hopefully fix the problem instead of you ruining your vacation.
  • Monitor e-mails and reply when/if necessary. If you want a total break from your website, then e-mail management is something that most of my clients sign up for.
  • Reply to comments on your posts.
  • Make sure postings go live when they should. Sometimes they won’t, and this is where I come in. I will make sure that everything is scheduled and actually happens.
  • Write articles while you are away (including ghost-written articles). You never know when something will come up.
  • Manage social media – this includes looking for new followers and engaging with current followers.


Are you interested in becoming a virtual assistant? Don’t forget to also read about what exactly a virtual assistant does.


Affiliate income – I am actively working to change this.

Affiliate income wasn’t much higher this month, but it is something that I am working on. Right now, I am trying to get approved with certain affiliate programs. The approval time takes a little bit longer than I thought it would, but I’m hoping it will finally happen in March.


Income Chart

Business and Extra Income in February (after most expenses)

  • Staff writing – $800
  • Website-Related (managing websites for clients, social media management, and my websites – advertising & Adsense) – $11,574
  • Affiliate Income – $630
  • Virtual Assistant tasks – $0
  • Selling Items From Our Home – $75 – This is not included in my earnings amount above. I sold clothing to a few shops near where I live.
  • Miscellaneous (not related to blogging and online income) – $0
  • Mystery Shopping – $0
  • Rent (we rent a room in our house to my sister and her boyfriend) – $450


Something that I am asked every time I publish my monthly income report is whether or not I can further break down my Website-Related income.  This is something that I don’t think I’ve ever done, mainly to protect myself and those that I provide services to.

I’m not sure if I will ever break that category apart further, but I will say that around 60% of the income is from my websites, and the other 40% of the $11,574 figure is from websites that I work for.

I will say that website related income includes all of my websites (I have a total of six websites that I own), and it also includes income that I make from my freelancing services. So, if I provide social media management or blog management for someone, that amount gets put into my “Website-Related” income.


Comparisons and 2014 Business Income total (after expenses, but before taxes)

  • Total extra income for February: $13,454
  • Income in January: $12,640
  • Difference: +$814
  • Total in 2014: $26,094



How did you do in February? What are your extra/business income goals?



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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Wow, Michelle, congrats to your new websites! Yes, I agree with you that putting Contact/Hire Me tab on your website is a good way to advertise yourself. This helps a lot.

  2. Petrish @ Debt Free Martini

    The thought that you can make this much money from a blog blows my mind. I am amazed by all you do. Thank you so much for opening yourself up to help newbie bloggers like me.

    1. Haha well it’s not all just from one blog 🙂

  3. In February, I hit a new record month of £120. I’ve some way to go, but I’m definitely using your progress from May 2012 until today as my yardstick. Put in the hard work and the results will come, right?! 🙂

    1. Yes, the results will come – it takes time!

  4. Marie Torres

    Hey Michelle, business is good! you really give me an inspiration to work harder on my blog.

  5. Holy crap, girl! You are killing it! Congratulations….I love reading these income reports. It’s so inspiring! Keep up the awesome work.

    1. Thank you Jessica!

  6. Great job Michelle! I would really like to increase my affiliate income as well. It seems like the highest ROI on your time if you can make it work. At the same time I don’t mind continuing how I have been. It’s so hard to find the time to develop a website when you’re working a 9-5…I feel almost “stuck” where I’m at.

    1. You are doing great though DC! I know what you mean though. It was so hard for me to work my day job and also work on websites.

  7. Way to go, Michelle! Your monthly income reports are a huge inspiration. Your hard work is paying off, keep it up!

    1. Thank you Charlotte!

  8. Great job, Michelle! Fancy charts and everything. You’re killing it. I bought my early bird Fincon ticket already. Woot!

    1. Haha thanks Holly!

  9. Yvette

    I agree. Thank-you for being so transparent with your income report. It’s so inspiring.

  10. You rock! I have 2 freelance writing jobs but I only rake in a few hundred a month. Someday when I’m less busy I hope to ramp that up. You’re very inspiring, Michelle!

    1. Thank you Rachel!

  11. Way to go Michelle! I had a pretty good month myself, but not your numbers. 🙂

  12. I own six and a manage many, many more 🙂

  13. Kim@Eyesonthedollar

    Another amazing month. It seems like you have it down to a science. I kind of want your autograph!

  14. Liz

    How many websites do you own now? Seems like you have really mastered the art of earning income online!

  15. Great job Michelle! You really have been rocking it over there. Keep it up and I will keep watching your progress. You are an inspiration to me for sure!

    1. Thank you Grayson!

  16. Amazing- I can’t even imagine making that much money in one month! So impressive.

  17. Wow. This is my first time here. I linked in from Make Money Your Way. Your successes are amazing.

    I have been plugging away for over a year and I have no income. My goal for my blog to cover all the blogging and internet expenses. I will be back here to learn whatever I can.

    I could really benefit from FinCon but it is just not in my budget. Do they record any of the discussions and post them on the web later?

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I hope you become a lifelong reader 🙂

      And yes, I believe you can buy a recording/virtual pass. I’m not sure how much they are though.

  18. Very inspiring especially because not too long ago you were making much less. Your hard work has truly paid off. Congrats!

  19. I loved these when it was extra income, as it showed people really what you can do on the side. Do you feel less comfortable posting these now as you’re essentially saying “this is ALL my income”? I know disclosing salaries is a bit rare on blogs so just curious if your view has changed.

    1. Yeah, it is more hard now to post my income reports because I feel like I have no privacy. I’m still trying to think of another way to present my income reports but I’m not sure what I would do.

      1. It depends what you’re trying to show, why are you disclosing your monthly income now?

        If it’s to show that as a freelancer/business you’re growing and doing well (to encourage others), you could just list the percentage your income increased or decreased by: “February Self-Employment Income Increased by 10%”

        If it’s because you want people to know exactly how much you make monthly, you could just post round numbers ($13K) instead of the specifics.

        1. I guess there are multiple reasons why I’m showing it now. I think my monthly income reports give others motivation (or that’s what I hope – other bloggers’ income reports give me motivation) and it also gives me motivation when I track my progress.

          Great ideas though. I will have to think about whether I want to use percentages or round numbers.

  20. Thank you so much! 🙂

  21. Wow, what an awesome month! I love how honest you are about how much work goes into all of this. This isn’t just luck or chance. It’s time, effort and energy, plus a good amount of skill of course! You’re rocking it!

  22. Thank you Anna! I’m glad you understand 🙂

  23. Income Surfer

    Wow Michelle. I can’t believe I didn’t find your blog earlier. You’re doing what I’m trying to do…….great work. I’ll definitely follow along.

    1. Thank you Bryan! 🙂

  24. Congrats Michelle! It is amazing how far you come with your blogging, and like many other bloggers, I appreciate you sharing your keys to success. Good luck with the new blog!

    1. Thank you Shannon!

  25. Congrats Michelle! Definitely an inspiration. And don’t worry about me poaching any clients- I’m just trying to build my blog for now. I really appreciate your openness and honesty. I’ve read a lot about how to make money blogging and a lot about how “you’ll never make money blogging.” Thankfully I enjoy it and like doing it, but your monthly updates definitely help with the motivation

    1. Thank you Ryan! Do you know how you plan to make money by blogging? 🙂 There are so many ways!

      1. Right now, just Adsense and an affiliate link. I’m trying to get my feet wet, but don’t want to wait too long if I don’t have to. Right now, I’m still amazed people even go to my website and read what I write, you know?

        1. Haha I know what you mean. I still think it’s crazy that people read my site!

  26. Seriously, I don’t say it often or to many people, but you are certainly an inspiration to all new and experienced bloggers. What you have achieved in such a sort period of time is amazing, and you are a perfect example of how the internet can lead to “limitless” potential and income. I wonder where we will all be a few years from now. Congrats on the new site acquisition!

    1. Aww thanks Gary! I really appreciate your kind words 🙂

  27. Eric

    Way to kick ass in February! I remember the first time my blog made enough to cover my mortgage. It was pretty sweet! It is always interesting to read about how different people make their way online. I love your “vacation mode” business model. You fill a very under-utilized gap in what many website owners need to keep their sites going strong.

    1. Thank you Eric! I’m actually not the person who came up with my vacation blog management service. Someone e-mailed me and asked if I would do it for their website because they couldn’t find anyone else, and then I just grew it from there!

      1. Eric

        Even better, a need found you! Very cool story, and awesome success story!

  28. Thank you Michelle! I’m so excited for your self-employment future 🙂

  29. Tara @ Streets Ahead Living

    Happy to see your income rising! You’re a hard worker and deserve the success. 🙂

  30. The First Million is the Hardest

    Wow, congrats on the great month! Any chance you’re going to let us in on which websites you’ve purchased?

    1. Maybe! I’m working on improving them for now 🙂

  31. Congrats on the great month!

  32. Connie @ Savvy With Saving

    Amazing as always! Congrats!

    1. Thanks Connie! 🙂

  33. Aww I wish you could go. We need to hang out eventually! 🙂

  34. Woo hoo way to go!! I love that you increased your prices and added on new staff writing gigs. Keep up the rockstar work!

  35. Michelle, I keep hearing the rap phrase “I’m a hustler baby and I want you to know…” every time one of these income posts goes up. Kicking butt and taking no prisoners!

    1. Haha thanks Michelle!

  36. Affiliate income is something that I just can’t seem to make work for me. While I’m starting to bring in around $700/month from staff writing and the occasional sponsored post, I need to start making other streams of blog income work for me if I want to go full time.

    1. Yes, affiliate income can be hard. It took a LONG time for me to get it started, and I’m still pretty behind.

  37. Serious high fives, that’s amazing! You’re totally kicking ass! $11k in freelancing/managing work is nothing short of amazing! I’m so impressed and inspired!

    1. Thank you Shannyn!

  38. Thanks for sharing this and being transparent. I understand more how you are making money here and it truly is inspiring for those of us that want to get their one day.

  39. Mike

    I read more into your freelance writing stuff. Does certain topic/subjects earn more than others or is it about your content and your writing abilities?

    1. I’m really not sure. I mainly only do travel and finance topics for now and I’m not really sure what the average is.

  40. Congratulations and well done. It just goes to show how far you can go if you are determined and keep your mind on the ball. Nice one!

  41. Charles@gettingarichlife

    Another impressive numbers Michelle. I should’ve put you in my American Dream post.

    1. Thank you Charles! 🙂

  42. Thank you Dan! And my main tip would be to network like crazy 🙂

  43. Tish

    Yay! More motivation! I just posted my report for Feb. I’m looking to build the freelance side a bit more but for some reason I always start some new project with my blog. I have been working on increasing affiliate income more as well. I’ve found that some strategies work better than others. Now I’m just trying to figure out which are the best.

  44. Congrats on following through on raising your rates for freelancing. Sometimes it can be almost scary to do so.

    Another month moving forward. Congrats!

    The Warrior

  45. Awesome income Michelle. I would like to know what percentage is adsense? I don’t really have any adsense services on my blog, and I would like to know if it is worth it or not?

    1. I don’t make a ton off Adsense. Less than $1,000 a month 🙂

  46. James@Finance Education

    The Increased income report inspired most of bloggers like me. Really, I must want to know the managing talent of yours. How you work easily and frequently on many sites each day? What is the real mantra dear? 😉

    1. Hello! Just hard work 🙂 And I enjoy what I do so it doesn’t feel like work.

  47. That’s awesome to see how much you are earning on a monthly basis Michelle, but it sounds that you do not have a very passive income since you have to put so many hours in right now to keep your business going.

    Hopefully you will be able to achieve your Fincon goals as well. I have a lot of goals in place as well right now and I’m starting to knock a few of them out but I still have a long way to go. I’m also going to be at Fincon this year as well, in fact I already got my airline tickets and everything.

    Anyways keep up the great work Michelle.

    1. Thanks Chris! 🙂

  48. I’m excited to learn about your blog. I am getting inspired by your story.
    Way to go!

  49. Jonathan Morales

    Hi Michelle, you are doing an amazing job climbing up the monthly revenue ladder!

  50. WP Learner

    Congratulations Michelle! You earn so much in a month! I have just began my journey and is still earning zero from my website.

  51. JithinC

    So earning online is not anymore boring online!!!
    Came to to from Woodwards. Nice articles and hope of being around here more often

  52. Solomon Mwale

    Thank you so much for all this great motivating pots it is really encouraging to all of us that are just starting in this industry. But I can I just ask a question please advise how you are making amount of money I will be looking forward to hear from you so that we can also copy through.

    Thank you so much for infor that you have offered so far on this blog. This shows the true value of sharing That you really make it to some places on way.