$3,340 in Extra Income, Life, Wedding Updates

Happy Monday everyone! Yesterday, I went to the bridal show and it was a lot of fun. W did tell me over the weekend that his parents said we can get married on his grandmother’s property! I am so happy! It’s way better than any of the outdoor venues that we’ve seen, and it also…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: May 25, 2023

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

We've been spending too much on eating out.
We’ve been spending too much on eating out.

Happy Monday everyone! Yesterday, I went to the bridal show and it was a lot of fun.

W did tell me over the weekend that his parents said we can get married on his grandmother’s property! I am so happy! It’s way better than any of the outdoor venues that we’ve seen, and it also has meaning behind it. I don’t think I could be any more happier. It’s the perfect place for an outdoor wedding.

Now that we know we will be getting married there, I also have some adjusting to do to our Wedding Budget. I priced out tents yesterday at the bridal show, and I decided that instead of spending $4,000 on a clear tent that I like, I will instead just get a normal white one that is around $1,000. Woohooo!

We did also decide that even though we won’t be paying for a venue, we do want to donate/give some money to his grandmother and the trust that she made for the property (there is a trust for the family that she made for the property) in the amount of probably $1,000 or $2,000.

I also found a caterer who does BBQ (WHOOHOOO), tables and chairs for rental, made appointments at a couple of places to shop for dresses (a lot of places were offering 10% off yesterday if you made an appointment right on the spot), a fish eye camera photo booth that I’m in love with, and other things. It’s nice to see everything actually coming together. Planning everything has been a ton of fun and I know I’ll be sad when it’s over. At least I can have fun for the next year with this 🙂

Also, don’t forget to check out my sister’s blog, FITnancials. I’m helping run it, while she is the writer. This blog has been going pretty well and I’m still excited about it. My sister is a new writer but seems to be doing well. She’s still learning about the whole blogging thing but is starting to get the hang of it.

I wanted to say thanks again to everyone who commented and e-mailed me about my reconnecting with family post. I really appreciate everything that everyone has said.


We did spend a lot of money in the past week. We bought a treadmill in the beginning of the week. We ended up buying the ProForm 600c For $810 altogether. We bought it right from the manufacturer and saved a lot of money. No sales tax, free shipping, and 4 year warranty. The same treadmill was going for around $1,200 (if you included the warranty and sales tax) at the sporting stores around here.

The warranty is a good one too, they will come to our house and fix it, no need for us to mail it to them, which is what some warranties were. I can’t imagine having to undo the whole thing and mail it in, so I’m glad we won’t have to do that.

We also spend some money on clothes. Yes, I know I said that I didn’t want to buy anything, but I already went over my $100 a month clothing budget. I wanted/needed some work clothes and went to Banana Republic. You can all just guess how that went!

extra income

Extra Income (does not include salary from our jobs):

The $3,340 was for the past two weeks since I did not do an extra income update for last week. I did good again in the past two weeks. Still waiting on a couple of payments but I’m pretty positive that January will be better than December, which is great because December was awesome.

I do have some goals for the blog and some general ideas for how I will increase my income even further. Yes, of course  $5,000 a month is great, but I want to aim higher and see where I can get this!

One of my main goals is to start working more on affiliate income. I make a little bit in affiliate income every month, but I want to diversify more into this and have my extra income become more passive. I will be making a post on my affiliate income goals soon! For now, will you tell me if you do affiliate income and what I should know? Any tips, opinions, etc. would be awesome.


No meal plan YET again this week. We are doing pretty bad with this but we talked last night and really want to save as much money as we can. This entails us eating in! I plan on looking up some recipes and really putting my Pinterest skills to use (ha!).

Being healthy:

We finally bought a treadmill! I am so happy and cannot wait for when it arrives. I know a lot of people say that I will never use it, but I definitely think I will. We are pretty much complete with our home gym now. We will have a treadmill and bought the weights and everything else earlier this month. The total was a little less than $2,000 for everything. Definitely expensive, but with a 4 year warranty, it all seems well worth it.

I really want to lose some weight and get more healthy/toned. I hopped on the scale the other day and got pretty scared.  This is good motivation though. STOP EATING DEEP FRIED FOODS MICHELLE!

How’s your spending, working out and extra income going?

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Affiliate income is something I need to look at more. I don't make much from it, but also haven't spent a ton of time looking into it. $5k/month extra income is AWESOME and I would love to reach that level eventually. I've been spending a ton of time getting our rental unit ready as our renter moves in end of this week. That will be a nice consistent monthly income, though I imagine it will require some reinvestment over time.
    My recent post Why Email is Better than Talking on the Phone

    1. Same here. While I do not make a ton, I also put hardly any effort into it. And that's awesome that you have a rental unit. This is something that we are debating about: whether or not we will rent out our current house when we buy a new one.
      My recent post $3,340 in Extra Income, Life, Wedding Updates

  2. plantingourpennies

    Ooh, I love the idea of giving to the trust W's grandmother set up for the family land. That's wonderful!

  3. John S @ Frugal Rules

    That's awesome you can have the ceremony on W's grandmothers land! I am sure it'll make it more personal, plus giving some money to the Trust is a great idea as well.

  4. Judy

    That’s great I know so many ppl whose children are spending tens of thousands on weddings and they aren’t enjoyable! We went to a uber fancy one that the brides mom was sick over because her daughter and sil lived in a tiny apartment but spent 40,000 on the wedding

    Yours sounds wonderful

    1. I know someone whose parents said "I'll give you $25,000 – you can spend it on your wedding or a down payment for a house." They spent ALL of it on a wedding. Sad thing is that they have a kid and live in a really small apartment and are on welfare.

  5. Great extra income. As usual you rocked it.

    Affiliate income I don’t get much into, but something that I should look into.

  6. Fried foods are so so tempting! Almost anything tastes good fried =)

  7. Anne_UGifter

    I'd love some affiliate income. The more passive, the better.
    You're doing extremely well organizing the wedding! That's also fantastic news about the property, especially as you wanted it to be there.
    My favourite part of this whole post: "Pinterest skills."

    1. haha don't we all have Pinterest skills? 😛

  8. That is awesome about all of the wedding stuff. Extra income is doing great for you just like I would expect. You are really killing it! Hopefully your student loans disappear sooner because of it.

  9. Debt RoundUp

    This is awesome Michelle. Glad to hear about your wedding plans and venue coming together. That is huge. I wish I could make that much per month, but I am running low on time as it is. You are a great inspiration.

  10. Congrats on everything happening in your life! I also want an outdoor wedding!

  11. Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence

    Awesome that you have a family place for the wedding! My sister got married at my grandparents' and it was lovely, especially for them since they were able to go to bed early just by walking 100 yards.
    My recent post Little house in Guatemala, week 10-13

    1. Thanks! I'm super excited.

  12. That's great – and seconded on the photo-booth idea. We had a friend and his SLR run it (paid for his hotel), and it was a hit.

    1. I love photo booths. The one I'm getting is a little different in that it's just a fish eye camera, but I think it's way better. Which it should be better because it's $1,400!

  13. @Nunzio_Bruno

    Awesome planning! I think that 5000 goal is totally attainable for you and if you couple all the savings from stuff like that treadmill it's almost like an extra $5k 🙂 For me meal planning has been such a huge cost saver. It's a challenge to be creative and stick within the budget but I haven't impulse shopped at a grocery store in weeks and my meals out have gone way down! I've even been coerced into trying some couponing tactics, which has been interesting to say the least lol.

    1. Last month I made an extra $6K, so it's definitely attainable! 🙂

  14. therandompath

    That's nice that you can have the wedding at W's grandmother's property. Sounds like it will be a lovely ceremony!
    My recent post What I’m Doing Right

    1. I'm suuuuuuper excited 🙂

  15. Rachel

    I'm a member of a few affiliate programs, but I make minimal per month. Most programs make you wait until you've reached 50-100 dollars and 120 days after the sale to get any money, too, so you should take that into account. Your audience and readership is obviously larger than mine so I think you'd make a good amount!

    I've started looking for staff writing positions to make extra income with the help of your post! So far, one bite, but it's something! I could an extra couple hundred a month (let alone the 3,000 you made) 🙂
    My recent post What Not to Get a Girl for Valentine’s Day

    1. My affiliate income isn't huge, maybe a couple hundred per month. I really need to start focusing on it more.

      And congrats on the staff writing position! Hopefully it leads to more.

  16. Allison

    Ahhhhhh, wedding planning is so exciting! Knowing you, it will be beautiful and well organized and well planned!
    My recent post Complete

  17. iheartbudgets

    Lol, you already read my post for today, haha, relevant. And hey, I would use a treadmill for sure! My mother-in-law said when she had one she used it everyday. I mean, it's just so darned convenient, and a GREAT was to lose pounds and build up stamina…. Man, I want a treadmill now…

    1. I will definitely be using it a lot! I won't be surprised if it breaks from being overused haha.

  18. Amber

    Wow you are so awesome! Every time I read one of your posts, I'm motivated at first, but then I think how the heck does anyone but her do that awesome?? There's no way! Ha ha. That's awesome about the family land. We're in the first steps of planning a wedding…as in, we've talked about how we'd like to do it and when, but that's about it. We need to get on the ball. I was doing great with meal planning until last week. I didn't make one, thought I could do okay, and I blew the budget by about $65 and every night I go through all the cabinets thinking "what am I going to cook?? where did I spend all that money? I suck at this. no more going to the grocery store without a list!" Because I blew the budget last week, I didn't go this week because that's what you're supposed to do right? (insert eye roll here!)
    My recent post Monday

    1. HAha I used to think the same thing about other bloggers who were making a lot of money. It is definitely possible, you just need to be motivated and try really hard.

  19. I'm super excited for catered BBQ! What exactly did you have at yours?

  20. Kyle @ YPfinances

    Congrats on the extra income! I've been wanting to turn our bonus room into a small gym but I keep thinking of all the reasons not to do it. You make me feel like it is possible!

    1. Do it! 🙂 Let me tell you though, that it all does add up quickly. We wanted rubber weights, and a 50 pound weight was around $75.

  21. LivingDFRocks!

    BBQ!!! Oh that will be good! It's wonderful that you and your fiance will have your wedding on grounds meaningful to your family. As usual, you're rocking the extra income digits 🙂

  22. kimateyesonthedollar

    Glad you got the venue you wanted and having it in the family makes it more special. Have fun with the plans. Sounds like you're off to a good start.

  23. Thanks! And I'm glad I'm getting stuff done.

  24. Canadianbudgetbinder

    Wow, $4000 for a tent that's far more than I would have ever expected, then again weddings can cost alot of money. That's awesome that you will have a BBQ. Great job with the extra income and that treadmill will come in handy, love ours, worth every penny as long as it gets used. Make a plan, stick to it, you'll do it! Cheers mate.
    My recent post The Grocery Game Challenge #5 Jan 28-Feb 3~Will You Target Your Budget

  25. Sounds like a beautiful wedding, Michelle, and I think it's great that you're working so hard at doing it frugally. And great tip about buying the treadmill from the MFG – I didn't know you could do that!
    My recent post Fire!

  26. You could put the link to the treadmill you mentioned as an Amazon affiliate link. I would have clicked on it if it was a link, and I'm probably not the only one. I wouldn't have bought a treadmill, but I might buy something else on Amazon in the next 24 hours, and every bit of income helps, right?
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