The CAD/CHF pair consists of the Canadian dollar and the Swiss Franc. The pair is often used in carry trades due to it being comprised of the high-yielding CAD and the safe-haven asset CHF.

The Canadian dollar is the official currency of Canada. The country depends on its exports of crude oil, gold, sawn wood and raw aluminium. Any major price fluctuations of those commodities may result in the currency's rise or decline. The Canadian economy depends on the U.S. because it is the largest export market and the country most imports come from. Any severe blow for the U.S. economy will therefore affect the Canadian dollar.

The Swiss franc is the currency of Switzerland. It is legal tender in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Campione d'Italia. The currency is viewed as a financial refuge because of the stability of the government and financial system of Switzerland. The financial markets in the country are properly regulated and transparent which also leads to the CHF being used as a safe-haven.

Factors affecting the CAD/CHF rate include general economic indicators, such as information on employment, inflation data, retail sales, industrial production, trade balance and the release of GDP data, as well as the central bank decisions regarding the interest rates in both countries. Political events, natural disasters and various government policies can impact the CAD/CHF exchange rate significantly.

Risk warning: Trading in FX and CFDs entails high risk of losing capital.

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The rate of CADCHF (CADCHF) currency pair for today is $0.62964. The highest cost of CADCHF (CADCHF) for today was $0.63088, the lowest rate was $N/A. The opening price: $N/A. The quotes chart of CADCHF (CADCHF) currency pair in real time is presented below.

Price chart of CADCHF in real time mode

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AUDUSDN/AN/A0.02259 3.45%
EURUSDN/AN/A0.02199 2.03%
GBPUSDN/AN/A0.02607 2.03%
NZDUSDN/AN/A0.02955 4.96%
USDCADN/AN/A-0.03094 -2.24%
USDCHFN/AN/A-0.02782 -3.17%
USDJPYN/AN/A-3.816 -2.54%
EURCHFN/AN/A-0.01222 -1.29%
EURGBPN/AN/A-0.00059 -0.07%
EURJPYN/AN/A-0.857 -0.53%
GBPJPYN/AN/A-0.876 -0.45%
GBPCADN/AN/A-0.004 -0.23%
CHFJPYN/AN/A1.207 0.71%
CADCHFN/AN/A-0.00624 -0.98%
NZDCADN/AN/A0.02128 2.59%
CADJPYN/AN/A-0.321 -0.30%
AUDJPYN/AN/A0.819 0.84%
EURCADN/AN/A-0.00412 -0.28%
EURAUDN/AN/A-0.02267 -1.37%
EURNZDN/AN/A-0.05189 -2.85%
GBPCHFN/AN/A0.00386 0.35%
GBPAUDN/AN/A-0.02013 -1.03%
GBPNZDN/AN/A-0.0417 -1.95%
NZDCHFN/AN/A0.0114 2.20%
NZDJPYN/AN/A2.553 2.88%
AUDCADN/AN/A0.01106 1.23%
AUDCHFN/AN/A0.00746 1.32%
AUDNZDN/AN/A-0.00946 -0.87%
USDSGDN/AN/A-0.0295 -2.21%
USDCNHN/AN/A-0.16287 -2.25%
USDHKDN/AN/A-0.0174 -0.22%
USDDKKN/AN/A-0.16337 -2.36%
USDNOKN/AN/A-0.34325 -3.13%
USDSEKN/AN/A-0.46567 -4.34%
USDPLNN/AN/A-0.1091 -2.74%
EURPLNN/AN/A-0.01938 -0.45%
USDCZKN/AN/A-0.7936 -3.39%
USDTRYN/AN/A0.9895 2.99%
USDHUFN/AN/A-11.5 -3.13%
USDZARN/AN/A-0.4456 -2.44%
USDMXNN/AN/A0.84825 4.49%
EURZARN/AN/A-0.0279 -0.14%
USDRUBN/AN/A4.2457 4.97%
USDILSN/AN/A-0.1732 -4.55%
GBPTRYN/AN/A2.49657 5.91%
EURSGDN/AN/A0.00116 0.08%
EURHKDN/AN/A0.18379 2.18%
EURTRYN/AN/A2.12499 5.94%
GBPNOKN/AN/A-0.08579 -0.62%
GBPDKKN/AN/A0.05665 0.64%
NZDSGDN/AN/A0.02191 2.76%
GBPSGDN/AN/A0.01305 0.77%
GBPSEKN/AN/A-0.21271 -1.56%
GBPZARN/AN/A0.093 0.40%
EURMXNN/AN/A1.407 6.91%
USDKRWN/AN/A-35.2 -2.57%

Interesting facts about the CADCHF (Canadian Dollar to Swiss Franc)

The CAD/CHF pair is a cross pair with intermediate volatility. Its price does not fluctuate significantly as the Swiss franc is a refuge currency, while the Canadian dollar is quite stable.

The Canadian dollar or CAD was created in 1858. Before that, Canada used the pound sterling as legal tender. The Canadian dollar is also called a loonie. This name came from a picture of a loon on the reverse side of the coin. Canada turned to the CAD due to two factors. The first one was the standardization of the American dollar. The second reason was hidden in the dissemination of the peso (so-called Spanish dollar) in North America during the 18th and the early 19th centuries.

The Uniform Currency Act that replaced the currencies of various provinces with the Canadian dollar was approved in 1871. The golden standard was canceled only in April 1933. Currently, the Canadian dollar is presented by 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar banknotes.

As for the Swiss franc, it’s the only franc still used in Europe. Previously, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg used francs. But later, they turned to the EUR.

The Swiss franc is considered a safe-haven currency. In times of market uncertainties, traders turn to the CHF as the currency fluctuates within a narrow range.

It’s almost impossible to counterfeit a Swiss franc banknote, and it’s not a surprise as Switzerland is one of the world’s financial centers. In 2019, there were just 982 counterfeit cases. Swiss banknotes can be called the most colorful. Although we are used to famous personalities being depicted on banknotes, it’s not the case for Swiss money. The banknotes have pictures of famous locations, a hand, a globe, and other objects that characterize the country.

As the currencies are more liquid in different trading sessions, the best time to trade CAD to CHF is the period when the London and New York markets intersect - from 16:00 to 20:00 (GMT+3, indicated in LiteFinance trading platform). The CAD/CHF rate is mostly dependent on the macroeconomic data of Canada and Switzerland.

Technical & Fundamental Analysis and Forecast CAD/CHF (Canadian Dollar to Swiss Franc)

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