USDPLN is an exotic currency pair that consists of the US dollar and the Polish zloty. This trading instrument is attractive mainly for traders and investors from Poland. Besides high volatility, the pair’s movement is hard to predict. When performing fundamental analysis of the movement of USDPLN quotes, one should pay attention to important political events in Europe and, in particular, in Poland, as well as monitor changes in the two countries’ main macroeconomic indicators. In the Polish economy, international trade and services occupy the first place, while the second place is given to the mining, manufacturing, and shipbuilding industries. The country’s exports go to Russia, Germany, and Great Britain. The US economy is more developed than the Polish one and is focused on the service sector and trade. The USDPLN pair reaches the peak of activity in the European sessional period - during the operation time of the exchanges located in Poland.

One can successfully trade USD/PLN focusing on Poland and the US's macroeconomic indicators and paying attention to majors like GPBUSD, EURUSD, and USDJPY, which act as indicators of the US dollar to the Polish zloty’s movement.

The USD/PLN quotes are provided below.

Risk warning: Trading in FX and CFDs entails high risk of losing capital.

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1-day change-0.1091(-2.74%)

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The rate of USDPLN (USDPLN) currency pair for today is $3.87460. The highest cost of USDPLN (USDPLN) for today was $3.8836, the lowest rate was $N/A. The opening price: $N/A. The quotes chart of USDPLN (USDPLN) currency pair in real time is presented below.

Price chart of USDPLN in real time mode

Available in trading accounts:
  • ECN
Prev. CloseN/A
Day's RangeN/A
52 wk RangeN/A
Average VolumeN/A
Swap Long-8.628
Contract size100000
Swap Short-5.748
Stop&Limit Level0
AUDUSDN/AN/A0.02259 3.45%
EURUSDN/AN/A0.02199 2.03%
GBPUSDN/AN/A0.02607 2.03%
NZDUSDN/AN/A0.02955 4.96%
USDCADN/AN/A-0.03094 -2.24%
USDCHFN/AN/A-0.02782 -3.17%
USDJPYN/AN/A-3.816 -2.54%
EURCHFN/AN/A-0.01222 -1.29%
EURGBPN/AN/A-0.00059 -0.07%
EURJPYN/AN/A-0.857 -0.53%
GBPJPYN/AN/A-0.876 -0.45%
GBPCADN/AN/A-0.004 -0.23%
CHFJPYN/AN/A1.207 0.71%
CADCHFN/AN/A-0.00624 -0.98%
NZDCADN/AN/A0.02128 2.59%
CADJPYN/AN/A-0.321 -0.30%
AUDJPYN/AN/A0.819 0.84%
EURCADN/AN/A-0.00412 -0.28%
EURAUDN/AN/A-0.02267 -1.37%
EURNZDN/AN/A-0.05189 -2.85%
GBPCHFN/AN/A0.00386 0.35%
GBPAUDN/AN/A-0.02013 -1.03%
GBPNZDN/AN/A-0.0417 -1.95%
NZDCHFN/AN/A0.0114 2.20%
NZDJPYN/AN/A2.553 2.88%
AUDCADN/AN/A0.01106 1.23%
AUDCHFN/AN/A0.00746 1.32%
AUDNZDN/AN/A-0.00946 -0.87%
USDSGDN/AN/A-0.0295 -2.21%
USDCNHN/AN/A-0.16287 -2.25%
USDHKDN/AN/A-0.0174 -0.22%
USDDKKN/AN/A-0.16337 -2.36%
USDNOKN/AN/A-0.34325 -3.13%
USDSEKN/AN/A-0.46567 -4.34%
USDPLNN/AN/A-0.1091 -2.74%
EURPLNN/AN/A-0.01938 -0.45%
USDCZKN/AN/A-0.7936 -3.39%
USDTRYN/AN/A0.9895 2.99%
USDHUFN/AN/A-11.5 -3.13%
USDZARN/AN/A-0.4456 -2.44%
USDMXNN/AN/A0.84825 4.49%
EURZARN/AN/A-0.0279 -0.14%
USDRUBN/AN/A4.2457 4.97%
USDILSN/AN/A-0.1732 -4.55%
GBPTRYN/AN/A2.49657 5.91%
EURSGDN/AN/A0.00116 0.08%
EURHKDN/AN/A0.18379 2.18%
EURTRYN/AN/A2.12499 5.94%
GBPNOKN/AN/A-0.08579 -0.62%
GBPDKKN/AN/A0.05665 0.64%
NZDSGDN/AN/A0.02191 2.76%
GBPSGDN/AN/A0.01305 0.77%
GBPSEKN/AN/A-0.21271 -1.56%
GBPZARN/AN/A0.093 0.40%
EURMXNN/AN/A1.407 6.91%
USDKRWN/AN/A-35.2 -2.57%

Interesting facts about the USDPLN (US Dollar to Polish Zloty)

The Polish zloty was announced as the official currency of Poland in the second half of XVIII. From 1850 to 1917, the country used the Russian ruble as its means of payment. The Polish mark replaced the ruble from 1917 to 1924. However, the zloty was reintroduced in 1924. One zloty had a fixed rate of 100 groszy, or 0.1687 grams of gold, or 1.8 million Polish marks.

It’s worth mentioning that the Polish currency was always subject to enormous price volatility. The Polish zloty suffered strong inflation after the end of World War II and the inflation repeated in the 1980s. A new Polish zloty was introduced in 1995; it replaced the old one at a 1:10,000 ratio. Although Poland is an EU member, it uses its own domestic currency.

There are 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 zł. in circulation. In 2014, the monetary authority added new security measures to all denominations, except the 200 zł. banknote. The country uses 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 groszy, and 1, 2, and 5 zł.

The US dollar is a well-known currency used all around the world, even though it’s considered an illegal means of payment in some states. The US dollar is one of the world’s reserve currencies. Along with the Euro and the British pound, the US dollar is a benchmark of the global economic sentiment. Investors consider the USD rate to define whether the risk-on or risk-off sentiment will prevail.

The USD to PLN pair is barely traded on Forex because few investors are aware of the Polish economy and the factors that can either boost or pull the USD/PLN rate down. It is highly recommended to consider the American and European sessions for USD/PLN trading. The volatility of the currency pair increases significantly from 15:00 to 19:00 (GMT+3, indicated in LiteFinance trading platform) when American and European trading sessions overlap.

Technical & Fundamental Analysis and Forecast USD/PLN (US Dollar to Polish Zloty)

16.01.2024 12:02
Zloty to go through a lot. Forecast as of 16.01.2024
Written by Dmitri Demidenko

Medium-term fundamental analysis. USDPLN bears' prospects aren't encouraging

17.10.2023 13:32
Zloty goes back to Europe. Forecast as of 17.10.2023
Written by Dmitri Demidenko

Medium-term fundamental analysis. Parliamentary elections changed the USDPLN trend

22.02.2023 12:10
Zloty looks undervalued. Forecast as of 22.02.2023
Written by Dmitri Demidenko

Long-term fundamental analysis. Things are not that bad in Poland

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