EURTRY is an exotic cross pair that consists of the Euro and the Turkish lira. The single European currency acts as the base currency, while the Turkish currency is the quote one. EURTRY is characterized by high volatility and rather stable long-term trends in Forex.

The single euro currency is used throughout the European Union, which includes countries with different levels of economic development. The population of the Eurozone is about 350 million people, and the region's economy has a complex and diversified structure. Services and trade account for the largest percentage of GDP. Next comes industry, and only a small share is occupied by agriculture.

The Turkish lira (TRY) is the official currency of Turkey. A favorable climate and fertile soils contribute to the development of agriculture. Trade and services account for a significant part of GDP. This economic sector is quite developed, especially in the resort tourist areas. The industrial sector also accounts for a significant share of GDP. The food, chemical, and textile industries are highly developed in Turkey. The exchange rate of the Turkish lira mainly depends on the state of the tourism industry and the socio-political situation in the country. The Turkish lira has the most significant influence on the EUR/TRY exchange rate fluctuations, so the main drivers of the pair's exchange rate will be those associated with Turkey.

However, socio-political factors and important economic news in the Eurozone should not be ignored. Due to the unstable exchange rate of the Turkish national currency, the movements of the EURTRY pair are subject to strong fluctuations both in the short and medium-term. Movements of this trading instrument per day can reach 500-700 points, which significantly exceeds the daily fluctuations of most major pairs. With this in mind, you can successfully trade the EUR/TRY pair, making decent money in a short time.

Risk warning: Trading in FX and CFDs entails high risk of losing capital.

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1-day change2.12499(5.94%)

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The rate of EURTRY (EURTRY) currency pair for today is $37.88806. The highest cost of EURTRY (EURTRY) for today was $37.94479, the lowest rate was $N/A. The opening price: $N/A. The quotes chart of EURTRY (EURTRY) currency pair in real time is presented below.

Price chart of EURTRY in real time mode

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USDNOKN/AN/A-0.34325 -3.13%
USDSEKN/AN/A-0.46567 -4.34%
USDPLNN/AN/A-0.1091 -2.74%
EURPLNN/AN/A-0.01938 -0.45%
USDCZKN/AN/A-0.7936 -3.39%
USDTRYN/AN/A0.9895 2.99%
USDHUFN/AN/A-11.5 -3.13%
USDZARN/AN/A-0.4456 -2.44%
USDMXNN/AN/A0.84825 4.49%
EURZARN/AN/A-0.0279 -0.14%
USDRUBN/AN/A4.2457 4.97%
USDILSN/AN/A-0.1732 -4.55%
GBPTRYN/AN/A2.49657 5.91%
EURSGDN/AN/A0.00116 0.08%
EURHKDN/AN/A0.18379 2.18%
EURTRYN/AN/A2.12499 5.94%
GBPNOKN/AN/A-0.08579 -0.62%
GBPDKKN/AN/A0.05665 0.64%
NZDSGDN/AN/A0.02191 2.76%
GBPSGDN/AN/A0.01305 0.77%
GBPSEKN/AN/A-0.21271 -1.56%
GBPZARN/AN/A0.093 0.40%
EURMXNN/AN/A1.407 6.91%
USDKRWN/AN/A-35.2 -2.57%

Interesting facts about the EURTRY (Euro to Turkish Lira)

TRY stands for Turkish lira. The word "lira" was used in 1844 for the first time. It was the period of the Ottoman Empire. Currently, it's a period of the second Turkish lira that began in 2005.

According to Turkish law, you can't use old notes along with new ones. A series of bills was issued in 2015 and then redesigned in 2019. If you lived in Turkey, you could not use the 2015 version note and had limited time to change them in banks. If somehow you obtain a Turkish note of 2015 now, consider it as a souvenir — you can no longer pay with it or exchange it for a new version note.

There are lots of counterfeit liras circulating in the world. If you are ever going to use Turkish cash, please, get familiar with how to distinguish the fake bill from the real one. It's not too difficult in most cases.

The people of Turkey had a chance to choose the symbol for their national currency. A contest was held in 2012, during which applicants could fill in their entry forms and suggest a symbol. Engineer Tülay Lale has won. The person later explained that the new symbol (₺) combined a half of an anchor and two lines. It means that the currency is safe, and its status is going to rise.

However, we all know that TRY is too volatile, so it isn't considered traders a safe currency for sure.

The Euro is one of the strongest and most popular currencies in the world. Only USD surpasses it when it comes to international trade. EUR is also the second reserve currency.

The EUR/TRY pair has quite a short history. It started trading only in 2008. Compared to other exotic pairs, EUR/TRY is one of the most liquid and most volatile. The TRY price is highly affected by political news. The best time to trade the pair of Euro for the Turkish lira is during the European trading session, from 10:00 to 19:00 (GMT+3, indicated in LiteFinance trading platform). During day trading, you can get the best EUR/TRY rate.

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