GBPSGD is a cross pair in which the base currency is the British pound, and the quoted one is the Singapore dollar.

The national currency of the UK, the pound, is considered the most stable trading instrument. The leading sectors of the highly developed UK economy are banking, financial, legal services, trade and industry.

The Singapore dollar (SGD) is the official currency of Singapore. The industrial economy of Singapore is one of the most developed in Southeast Asia. The country has the largest oil-producing wells in the region. In this connection, the Singapore dollar exchange rate is highly dependent on world oil prices.

Even though the USD ticker is not included in the quote, it is worth paying special attention to the US fundamental indicators when conducting an analysis since the US dollar affects both components of the GBPSGD pair. The rate of this trading asset depends on changes in macroeconomic data for the UK and Singapore. GBPSGD chart has high volatility, especially during the European and Asian sessions. You can use this to trade the GBPSGD pair to make quick profits in the short and medium-term.

Risk warning: Trading in FX and CFDs entails high risk of losing capital.

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1-day change0.01305(0.77%)

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The rate of GBPSGD (GBPSGD) currency pair for today is $1.71529. The highest cost of GBPSGD (GBPSGD) for today was $1.71557, the lowest rate was $N/A. The opening price: $N/A. The quotes chart of GBPSGD (GBPSGD) currency pair in real time is presented below.

Price chart of GBPSGD in real time mode

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Swap Long3.168
Contract size100000
Swap Short-13.68
Stop&Limit Level0
AUDUSDN/AN/A0.02259 3.45%
EURUSDN/AN/A0.02199 2.03%
GBPUSDN/AN/A0.02607 2.03%
NZDUSDN/AN/A0.02955 4.96%
USDCADN/AN/A-0.03094 -2.24%
USDCHFN/AN/A-0.02782 -3.17%
USDJPYN/AN/A-3.816 -2.54%
EURCHFN/AN/A-0.01222 -1.29%
EURGBPN/AN/A-0.00059 -0.07%
EURJPYN/AN/A-0.857 -0.53%
GBPJPYN/AN/A-0.876 -0.45%
GBPCADN/AN/A-0.004 -0.23%
CHFJPYN/AN/A1.207 0.71%
CADCHFN/AN/A-0.00624 -0.98%
NZDCADN/AN/A0.02128 2.59%
CADJPYN/AN/A-0.321 -0.30%
AUDJPYN/AN/A0.819 0.84%
EURCADN/AN/A-0.00412 -0.28%
EURAUDN/AN/A-0.02267 -1.37%
EURNZDN/AN/A-0.05189 -2.85%
GBPCHFN/AN/A0.00386 0.35%
GBPAUDN/AN/A-0.02013 -1.03%
GBPNZDN/AN/A-0.0417 -1.95%
NZDCHFN/AN/A0.0114 2.20%
NZDJPYN/AN/A2.553 2.88%
AUDCADN/AN/A0.01106 1.23%
AUDCHFN/AN/A0.00746 1.32%
AUDNZDN/AN/A-0.00946 -0.87%
USDSGDN/AN/A-0.0295 -2.21%
USDCNHN/AN/A-0.16287 -2.25%
USDHKDN/AN/A-0.0174 -0.22%
USDDKKN/AN/A-0.16337 -2.36%
USDNOKN/AN/A-0.34325 -3.13%
USDSEKN/AN/A-0.46567 -4.34%
USDPLNN/AN/A-0.1091 -2.74%
EURPLNN/AN/A-0.01938 -0.45%
USDCZKN/AN/A-0.7936 -3.39%
USDTRYN/AN/A0.9895 2.99%
USDHUFN/AN/A-11.5 -3.13%
USDZARN/AN/A-0.4456 -2.44%
USDMXNN/AN/A0.84825 4.49%
EURZARN/AN/A-0.0279 -0.14%
USDRUBN/AN/A4.2457 4.97%
USDILSN/AN/A-0.1732 -4.55%
GBPTRYN/AN/A2.49657 5.91%
EURSGDN/AN/A0.00116 0.08%
EURHKDN/AN/A0.18379 2.18%
EURTRYN/AN/A2.12499 5.94%
GBPNOKN/AN/A-0.08579 -0.62%
GBPDKKN/AN/A0.05665 0.64%
NZDSGDN/AN/A0.02191 2.76%
GBPSGDN/AN/A0.01305 0.77%
GBPSEKN/AN/A-0.21271 -1.56%
GBPZARN/AN/A0.093 0.40%
EURMXNN/AN/A1.407 6.91%
USDKRWN/AN/A-35.2 -2.57%

Interesting facts about the GBPSGD (British Pound to Singapore Dollar)

The British pound (GBP) is one of the oldest and the most stable currencies in the world. From the 18th century till World War II, the British pound sterling was one of the most important currencies in the world economy. Afterward, the level of GBP’s importance diminished due to the growing influence of the United States. Nowadays, in the UK, the currency is simply called the pound, but the term pound sterling is used to emphasize the difference between the currency and other currencies with the same name. At the same time, the words "sterling" or "cable" are used on the exchange.

The Singapore dollar (SGD) is the Singapore national currency. It was initially pegged to the pound sterling. In 1972, the Singapore dollar was pegged to the United States dollar in response to the devaluation of the pound, and from 1973 to 1985, the Singapore currency was pegged to a number of currencies of major trading partners (the TWI index). Since 1985, the Singapore dollar has been subject to a managed float rate. The Monetary Authority of Singapore controls the Singapore dollar. Monetary policy in Singapore is aimed at strengthening the currency.

The Brunei dollar, which is pegged to the Singapore dollar at a rate of 1:1, is also recognized as a legal means of payment in Singapore. At the same time, the Brunei dollar can be used as "customary tender" in Singapore. The price movement of the Singapore dollar is correlated with the level of investment activity and macroeconomic performance in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the Singaporean currency is sensitive to inflation and domestic demand.

The GBP/SGD pair is highly volatile, so the best times to trade GBP to SGD are during the European and Asian trading sessions. The European trading session lasts from 10:00 to 19:00. The Asian session is from 03:00 to 11:00 (GMT+3, indicated in LiteFinance trading platform).

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