EURMXN is a cross-rate pair in which the base currency is the euro, and the quote currency is the Mexican peso. The pair is quite rare and has a high level of volatility.

The single euro currency is used throughout the European Union, which includes countries with different levels of economic development. When conducting a fundamental analysis of the currency, the economic indicators of Germany, France, Italy and Spain should be considered first as having the most weight in the eurozone economy. The population of the Eurozone is about 350 million people, and the region's economy has a complex and diversified structure. In general, the sectors of the European economy consist of services, trade and industry.

The Mexican peso is the national currency of Mexico. It is considered a commodity currency since the state receives most of its income from oil sales. The sectors of the Mexican economy are divided between services, trade, industry and construction. The national currency exchange rate is significantly influenced by world prices for raw materials, mainly for oil.

The high volatility of EUR/MXN makes it possible to trade the pair in short-term and medium-term strategies with high profitability. However, when analyzing the euro exchange rate against the Mexican peso, traders need to independently monitor the main macroeconomic data affecting the dynamics of EURMXN quotes due to the lack of professional analytical materials on this pair.

EUR/MXN prices are influenced by such factors as changes in monetary policy and interest rates, data on trade balances and inflation, GDP levels and labor market data in the EU, Mexico and the USA.

Risk warning: Trading in FX and CFDs entails high risk of losing capital.

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1-day change1.407(6.91%)

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The rate of EURMXN (EURMXN) currency pair for today is $21.82602. The highest cost of EURMXN (EURMXN) for today was $21.83396, the lowest rate was $N/A. The opening price: $N/A. The quotes chart of EURMXN (EURMXN) currency pair in real time is presented below.

Price chart of EURMXN in real time mode

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Contract size100000
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Stop&Limit Level0
AUDUSDN/AN/A0.02259 3.45%
EURUSDN/AN/A0.02199 2.03%
GBPUSDN/AN/A0.02607 2.03%
NZDUSDN/AN/A0.02955 4.96%
USDCADN/AN/A-0.03094 -2.24%
USDCHFN/AN/A-0.02782 -3.17%
USDJPYN/AN/A-3.816 -2.54%
EURCHFN/AN/A-0.01222 -1.29%
EURGBPN/AN/A-0.00059 -0.07%
EURJPYN/AN/A-0.857 -0.53%
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AUDJPYN/AN/A0.819 0.84%
EURCADN/AN/A-0.00412 -0.28%
EURAUDN/AN/A-0.02267 -1.37%
EURNZDN/AN/A-0.05189 -2.85%
GBPCHFN/AN/A0.00386 0.35%
GBPAUDN/AN/A-0.02013 -1.03%
GBPNZDN/AN/A-0.0417 -1.95%
NZDCHFN/AN/A0.0114 2.20%
NZDJPYN/AN/A2.553 2.88%
AUDCADN/AN/A0.01106 1.23%
AUDCHFN/AN/A0.00746 1.32%
AUDNZDN/AN/A-0.00946 -0.87%
USDSGDN/AN/A-0.0295 -2.21%
USDCNHN/AN/A-0.16287 -2.25%
USDHKDN/AN/A-0.0174 -0.22%
USDDKKN/AN/A-0.16337 -2.36%
USDNOKN/AN/A-0.34325 -3.13%
USDSEKN/AN/A-0.46567 -4.34%
USDPLNN/AN/A-0.1091 -2.74%
EURPLNN/AN/A-0.01938 -0.45%
USDCZKN/AN/A-0.7936 -3.39%
USDTRYN/AN/A0.9895 2.99%
USDHUFN/AN/A-11.5 -3.13%
USDZARN/AN/A-0.4456 -2.44%
USDMXNN/AN/A0.84825 4.49%
EURZARN/AN/A-0.0279 -0.14%
USDRUBN/AN/A4.2457 4.97%
USDILSN/AN/A-0.1732 -4.55%
GBPTRYN/AN/A2.49657 5.91%
EURSGDN/AN/A0.00116 0.08%
EURHKDN/AN/A0.18379 2.18%
EURTRYN/AN/A2.12499 5.94%
GBPNOKN/AN/A-0.08579 -0.62%
GBPDKKN/AN/A0.05665 0.64%
NZDSGDN/AN/A0.02191 2.76%
GBPSGDN/AN/A0.01305 0.77%
GBPSEKN/AN/A-0.21271 -1.56%
GBPZARN/AN/A0.093 0.40%
EURMXNN/AN/A1.407 6.91%
USDKRWN/AN/A-35.2 -2.57%

Interesting facts about the EURMXN (Euro to Mexican Peso)

MXN stands for the Mexican peso. Political events in Mexico, such as elections or changes of government, have a great impact on the MXN price — and, therefore, on the EUR/MXN pair.

The peso originates back to the Spanish dollar. The government continued using Spanish money even after the country became independent in 1821. Only in 1866 was the first peso minted. During the whole 20th century, the Mexican peso was one of the most stable currencies in Latin America. Sadly, the oil crisis of 1970 almost ruined the Mexican economy. A new peso was introduced in 1993. It is valued at 1,000 old pesos.

We all are used to thinking of dollars when we see the symbol $. However, it refers to "Spanish pesos." The dollar was modeled after the peso because of the international reputation and stability the currency had back then.

The Mexican peso circulates not only in Mexico but also in the USA, Canada, and some Asian countries. Fake pesos are often sold to tourists; that’s why the government started to issue notes in plastic.

Euro coins are almost impossible to fake. They are made of "Nordic Gold" — an alloy that contains copper, aluminum, zinc, and tin. There’s no real gold in it.

If you want to trade Euro for the Mexican peso and get the best EUR/MXN rate, the best time to exchange EUR to MXN is when the European and the Asian sessions intersect. This happens from 15:00 to 20:00. This strategy will help you to maximize efficiency and get the best price. During this time, an economic news flow is steady. Buy-sell spreads usually go wider when it’s quiet and narrower when trading volume is at its peak. Usually, all economic releases of Mexico are between 17:00 to 16:30 (GMT+3, indicated in LiteFinance trading platform).

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