Spending, Life, Income and Food Updates… 12/12/2011

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Like I said yesterday, I didn’t really do too much this weekend. I tried staying home so that I could study, but I didn’t really do much studying at all. Above are some of the things that I made this week. Nothing too crazy, but it was all…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: May 31, 2023

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I hope everyone had a great weekend! Like I said yesterday, I didn’t really do too much this weekend. I tried staying home so that I could study, but I didn’t really do much studying at all. Above are some of the things that I made this week. Nothing too crazy, but it was all very tasty. Yes, I realize that I am not a food photographer and the pictures do not look the greatest.

The BF was sick and couldn’t go to work yesterday, but we finally took him to urgent care and got him some medicine since his doctor isn’t open on the weekends. Luckily his insurance is really good and the visit was free. I’m just hoping that I don’t get sick right when finals are about to start.

Family: To keep this short (and not depressing), stuff with my family (most of you know who this specifically is) isn’t getting better. Whenever I think about it, I just wish I had a somewhat normal family. She wants to move in with me soon because she doesn’t want a full-time job and to support herself, so she expects me to do this for her. I’m only 22, aren’t I supposed to be the child? I’ve been taking care of her since I was a pre-teen, and I really don’t know how I’m still sane.

$100 Ticket: On another depressing note, I got a $100 red light ticket. I watched the video, and I got the ticket for approaching the red light too fast and NOT ACTUALLY RUNNING IT. I was in the right turn lane with a yield sign (so technically I don’t even have to come to a full 5 second stop), but they said I approached it too fast anyways. I got this exact same ticket at nearly the same intersection around 1 year ago, so this sucks. I wasn’t even going that fast, maybe 10 miles per hour as I was approaching the red light. Oh well whatever, I’m just never going to that city again because I only get red light tickets when I’m there. I read online that they made $3.4 million in red light tickets last year. And this is a small city (around 100,000 people and only 15 red light cameras throughout), so that’s a lot of money for them to be making in just red light tickets.

AT&T Problem STILL:  So I called AT&T and our bill STILL WASN’T FIXED. I’ve talked about it in previous posts.  And when I called the other day, I wasn’t exactly the happiest person to talk to. I was extremely frustrated and I told her this. She said there was NO proof that I even called the previous times and that she would take the extra charge off just to be nice. UH HELLO?! What! I’m now looking to switch my interest and phone because I am too frustrated.

Pinterest makes me want to be creative: I mentioned the other day that my friend is going to build a bookshelf for her BF as a part of her Christmas present to him, but we both have never really done anything like this. Has anyone? Or do you know of any websites? Because I think I’d like to try something like this also.  What would the cost be? I know that I have no clue what I’d even want it to look like or anything.

Extra Income update: I’m still doing surveys, and lately I’ve been making around $10 a week, along with free stuff. It’s pretty nice since I don’t really do much. And I’ve been trying to do more secret shops since I know that I’ll have a little bit more time before classes start back up again in January. I made around $75 last week and will make around $150 this week. This isn’t always money directly in my pocket, but I usually just try to sign up for secret shops that offer things I need or are easy income to make. I signed up for a restaurant secret shop and it’s for $100 worth of food at a really nice restaurant nearby that I’ve been wanting to try. So this is just a good excuse to dress up and have expensive food. My Swagbucks has been lower lately though. I probably only get around $5 a week now.

How’s everything going for you?

P.S. Check out this giveaway hosted by My life as Liz Taylor! It’s great!

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. I might just not pay it. Only around 35% of people who get red light tickets pay them in that town, and they don't do anything if you don't pay.I'm just afraid that since I already have bad luck, that when I decide not to pay, that they will come and arrest me (because that's what it says on the back of the ticket).

  2. I would go to traffic court and contest it if it is going to show up as points against your license. I'd also get counseling on how to say no to that family member and not feel guilty about doing so. Sounds like a tough situation but I think the saying, "you can only be taken advantage of if you allow it" might apply. That could make your auto insurance go up for years. By the way, the food looks good! You have been cooking a lot.

  3. The ticket won't affect insurance or show up as a point on my license. It says that on the ticket. The ticket is just a money maker for the city (the city has even said that). So I'm still debating. My friend got the same ticket last year and just ignored it and it went away.

  4. That looks yummy. I love tacos. Sorry about the ticket. We have this rule up here that you can dispute any traffic related ticket. Just have to sign a form at a government office, and wait 6 months for your court hearing. Best case scenario the ticket is waived. Worst case, reduced fee. Hope you have a similar option.

  5. I'm hungry now. I would contest the ticket too. You can just show up and state your side of the story. It will definitely reduce the fee (at which point you can still choose not to pay it) or the fee will be gone!I hope everything is ok though…if you need to talk whether about family or anything, I am here!

  6. Sucks about "that person"… It's time for her to stand on her own 2 feet! You have your own life to live!! You're so young! Enjoy it! Red light ticket sounds awful! Is there a way to fight it without losing $$? Sounds like a load of crap to me! lol!

  7. I'm thinking about contesting it also, but I just don't know. I'm so lazy.And thanks Carla. And I know it is a load of crap!

  8. I'm so sorry about your family stuff 🙁 Praying for you.And that is the most ridiculous ticket I've ever heard of. Good grief!I had no idea you could sign up to be a secret shopper?! How cool… I'm definitely looking into that!

  9. Family stuff can suck sometimes, wishing you the best with that.I love how colorful your food is.

  10. oh man, a $100 red light ticket? ouch! sorry, girl! there were plenty of times when i thought id get a ticket in the mail, haha. i hope the BF is fully recovered!! and i hope you have a good week, too!love, jamie@jamielechic

  11. Wow! They are brutal with those tickets! and desperate for money! I'm so sorry!I hope you have a better week!

  12. I'm sorry about the family situation! It will all work out somehow, sometime 🙂 And I used to do Swagbucks too! I deleted my account because it wasn't making barely any money anymore! Do you listen to Dave Ramsey? I listen to him and he's all about saving money and paying off debts 🙂

  13. Newlyweds on a Budge

    i hate tickets. any kind, even a $40 meter ticket pisses me off.

  14. Sorry for a rough weekend. Hopefully things get better. By the way your food shots look awesome.

  15. Hope things work out ok with the family situation…Also, I've had the same issues with At&T, they're sooo frustrating when it comes to fixing problems with bills. We almost cancelled with them..And pinterest always makes me want to be creative too 🙂 I need to find you on there

  16. Red light tickets suck. I had a toll ticket sent to me once where the car had my license plate but it wasn't my car. It was actually in Newark New Jersey and I have never even had my car that far north. I was thankfully able to fight it.Sorry to hear about your family situation. My mom has been pissing me off lately. It's not extreme but I'm just really sick of her instability.

  17. Thanks everyone! Hopefully I can fight it.And new convos happened in my family today and I think things will get better.

  18. That is so frustrating about the ticket!! I'm with you, Pinterest is the best inspiration source and always makes me feel like getting crafty!

  19. I echo everyone else when I suggest fighting that ticket. It doesn't sound like you broke the law, so you shouldn't be penalized. As for making furniture, I haven't tried it, but I am always inspired by the blog http://ana-white.com/ who makes all kinds of gorgeous furniture for hardly any money and makes it look EASY. I hope your BF feels better and you don't catch what he has. Hang in there with finals. My husband is going through the same thing, long hours at work and long hours of studying and short hours of sleep, but just think, you're almost done and then you can relax.

  20. I thought they stopped issuing 'red light tickets' ?! I heard on the news sometime within the past few months that if you receive one after the new ruling, you don't need to pay it?! Or is that just here in CA… Hm. Look into that! 🙂

  21. Thanks!And they haven't stopped issuing them where I live 🙁

  22. Louise

    wow that tickets a bit rough! & that food looks really good.

  23. Inna xoxo

    Ive been wanting to get into doing surveys and secret shops for extra money every month but havent been able to find anything that isnt a scam!! help!? What websites or companies do you go through??and btw, i am loving your blog darlin! New follower :)xoxo Inna My Bloggie!